First Lunar & Solar Eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio Axis, The Grand Conjunction, and Stellium in Capricorn: Sudden Upheaval

16 min readNov 17, 2020


Photo by NASA on Unsplash


November 30th will be the time where a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio axis will take place. Sun will be in 14 degrees of Scorpio, Moon will be in 14 degrees of Taurus, and both Rahu-Ketu are in the 26th degrees of Taurus-Scorpio Axis. Ketu is the one who’s responsible for causing Lunar Eclipse and Rahu is the one who’s responsible for causing Solar Eclipse. So Ketu will hit us first with its revelation because Eclipse always means unlocking something, bringing something that was hidden comes into the surface. So in this case, we should know which Nakshatra Ketu was in, and guess which Nakshatra it was? Jyeshta.

Lunar Eclipse Planetary Placement

If you read my Rahu-Ketu transit analysis, you’ll know what Jyeshta stands for. It stands for a lot of things, but the most important part of Jyeshta was the fact that it stands for The Leader, The Government, The King, or The Ruler of the people. Why? because the ruler of this nakshatra is Indra, King of The Gods. Indra is the leader of the Gods, he represent a Political leader or a country leader in this modern era. So the thing that Ketu will reveal in the upcoming Lunar Eclipse might be regarding the Government. I’ll say that the chance was very high that this will be a revelation of secrets regarding the Government or a Political leader.

Scorpio itself, where Ketu was placed, is the natural significator of 8th house. The 8th house was the most hard to predict house. You can’t really uncover everything that happens in the 8th house because it is the house of Sudden change, secrets, transformation, longevity, death, afterlife, sex, and many more. One thing for sure, the upcoming Eclipses will bring sudden change, especially in the political world.

While Sun will be in Anuradha Nakshatra. This Nakshatra was ruled by Saturn, whose in fact is in another Nakshatra that signify the Government or Political Leader, Uttara Ashadha. It will reveal things especially the one that smells unfaithfulness and things that don’t serve the highest good. Scandal in love/marriage that involve a politician or government leader might come into light too. The countries that will be hit might be the country which the Lunar Eclipse crosses, you can check it at Time and Date for the full map of the Eclipse path.

Then last, Moon will be in Rohini Nakshatra, Moon’s most favorite Nakshatra. The ruling deity of this Nakshatra is Brahma, the Creator of the Universe. This might indicates something new will be created or begin after the revelation that Ketu bring to life.

Solar Eclipse Planetary Placement

So the next revelation will be from Rahu since Rahu was the one that causes Solar Eclipse. When I look at the planetary situations of the Solar Eclipse, I’ll be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised. A Stellium will took place in Scorpio on the day of the Eclipse, involving Sun, Moon, Ketu, Mercury, and Venus. Venus will be far from the other 4 (four) planets, but Mercury will conjunct Sun, Moon, and Ketu with less than 5 (five) degrees gap. That is a very close conjunction, and do you know what Mercury signify? Election.

If you take a look at the chart I put above, you know I’m not bluffing when I originally wanted to titled this post with the word ‘Madness’ and ‘Chaos’ because that looks like a Chaotic period to me. Eclipses lasts for 6 (six) months which is why it is very important. Just take a look at my 2020 analysis where I talked about Mahabharata Prophecy and what the prophecy said, compared it to what happen from July until now. You’ll realize that Eclipse was that significant.

So the upcoming Solar Eclipse will heavily be about Jyeshta Nakshatra too, because the Sun and Moon are both in Jyeshta Nakshatra while Rahu will be in Mrigashira. Jyeshta, as I’ve said before, put a heavy emphasis on Leaders, Government, King, Political Leader, and even a Community Leader. While Mrigashira was all about searching and illusion, so it is either gonna reveal something we’ve been searching for or it will bring into light some kind of illusion that has been put in the political world. The ruling deity of Mrigashira is Soma, the Moon God. Soma was also the other name of the Moon, but Moon in its Soma aspect was the indulgent side of the Moon that was involved with a lot of romatic interests. So this Eclipse might even reveal another affair of a leader or politician, just like the Lunar Eclipse.

Now let’s talk about Mercury being involved in this Eclipse. If we exclude Venus from the conjunction because it has more than 24 degrees gap from Moon, we can say that Mercury control the other 3 (three) planets. Mercury was the significator of communication, messages, business, election, and I will say Democracy too. Why democracy? because I notice that countries with dictatorship history or lack of democracy, especially free speech, was those countries with either Mercury combust or Retrograde or both and usually Sun hold the lowest degrees in that case. Like European Union, their Mercury is combust but it was Venus who holds the lowest degree, not Sun. That’s why the European Union are all about diplomacy and peaceful resolution, because that’s what Venus govern. In the case of China, it was Sun who holds the lowest degree, which is why it is not a democratic country. So the upcoming Solar Eclipse will definitely brought a political secrets to light, especially relating to election or democracy.

Solar Eclipse D9 Chart Planetary Placement

If we take a look at the D9 chart of the Solar Eclipse, we’ll be much more surprised because Mars will hold the highest degree in the stellium, while Jupiter will hold the lowest degree. This can indicates violence might took place because of something related to Law like a judgement. Mars signify war, anger, violence, passion, action, agression, crime, dispute, etc; everything that is like a war situation, whether physically or mentally, was ruled by Mars. Jupiter is the significator for Law, while Saturn is the Judge (but also can indicates The People/The Masses). Mercury is definitely the significator of communication or business or election, while Ketu is the significator of loss, enlightenment, moksha, spirituality, and sudden transformation. So this conjunction can also indicates that a judgement (Jup & Saturn) relating something that was disputed (Mars) will suddenly change an election/democracy/business. One thing for sure, this will be about politics since this stellium in D9/Navamsha chart took place in Aquarius. To be honest, Joni Patry and Kapiel Raaj has hinted about this though, while me, I hinted it at one of my posts.

The countries that will be hit the most was those who are in the eclipse path, but that doesn’t mean those who aren’t in the eclipse path won’t be affected, they might as well be affected, just like Solar Eclipse 2019 where Coronavirus became Pandemic. Check the full eclipse path at Time and Date. Scorpio and Taurus Rising countries might also be affected. Mahabharata Prophecy might happen again since the Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse will happen in 14 days. We will see. The time calculator from Time and Date calculates that the duration from the upcoming Lunar Eclipse to Solar Eclipse will be 14 days, 6 (six) hours, 1 (one) minute and 33 seconds, which exceeds 14 days by 6 (six) hours.

UPDATE 29.11.2020: I forgot to mention that the Solar Eclipse will start just 8 (eight) minutes away before Sun enter Gandanta Point Degree (29 Degrees of Scorpio). The theme here will be very spiritual and all about destiny, since Gandanta Point is a karmic knot too. So whatever happens next, will correlates with destiny. Plus, Sun enter Gandanta Point means there’s a possibility of a Volcano Eruption to happen. If not on 14th to 17th of December, then it will be on 21st to 25th of December when Mars is in Pisces’ Gandanta Point.


Jupiter will finally go back to Capricorn from November 20th to April 6th 2021. This time, it will finally form The Grand Conjunction with Saturn that happens every 20 years, but in case of Capricorn, it happen every approximately 60 years. So the next time we’ll see this conjunction will be on 2080–2081. I did my research of what happen back when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct together, but this time, Pluto join them both from January 2021. I don’t know when was the last time Pluto conjunct them in Capricorn, I only found the Aquarius one which happens on 184 years BC. So I won’t talk about past events that involve Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn because I don’t even know which year they were conjunct in Capricorn.

Back in 1961–1962, economic recession also happen like in 2020 and the unemployment rate was also high because of the recession, which happen just like in 2020. The difference was, the recession hit when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in Sagittarius, so I don’t think they are the major factor of that event. So I tried to look at past economic recession and turns out it was because of Rahu-Ketu. If you google unemployment rate in 1933 and 1961, you’ll find 1933 to be very high but the interesting part was Rahu-Ketu was in Leo-Aquarius axis both in 1933 and 1961, they only exchange signs. The Great Depression on 1929 also happened when Ketu was in Rahu’s Nakshatra, Swati (if I didn’t get wrong, I did mention on my 2020 post that when Rahu and Ketu transit each other’s Nakshatra, things like this will happen).

In late 1961, there is this flash crash that was called as Kennedy Slide. At first, I thought this was because of Rahu-Ketu too, because in 1929, Stock market crash also happened and in 1929, Jupiter and Saturn don’t conjunct together. But then I found out that it happen exactly after Jupiter enter its last direct degree before it goes Retrograde. But it might be because of Ketu too since Ketu was there, conjunct with both Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. Still, I was puzzled because the Kennedy Slide was said to begin from December 1961, at the time Jupiter enter its last direct degree, which is 13-ish degree of Capricorn. It wasn’t even Jupiter’s debilitation degree, but it is indeed was sandwiched between Saturn and Ketu. You can take a look at the comparison chart of May 1961 when Jupiter start turning Retrograde and December 1961 chart.

Jupiter turning Retrograde in May 1961 (Left) and Planetary position of December 1961 (right). Software used: Jagannatha Hora.

I found another factor of what could actually indicates the continous decline of the stock market in 1962, which is Eclipse that was formed as a Stellium in Capricorn.

1962 Solar Eclipse Chart (February 5th 1962)

That is exactly the kind of Stellium that we’ll face in January 2021, with the exception of Mars, Rahu, and Ketu. But Solar Eclipse in December 2020 will form a stellium too where Mercury was involved. Mercury was the significator for Business or trade so it can indicates something happen to the business area or the market.

If we look back from March 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn officially conjunct in Capricorn, before Jupiter move back to Sagittarius in retrogression on June 2020, we will notice that a lot of economic problem arise. Other than the fact that Rahu-Ketu are in their own Nakshatra, Jupiter conjunct Saturn also mean Saturn restrict Jupiter’s expansion abilities. Jupiter was also the significator of Travel, especially foreign or long distance travel. Travel was very hard since Coronavirus hit, it is extremely hard when Jupiter start to conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. Then when Jupiter moves in retrogression to Sagittarius in late June 2020, slowly people can travel again even though it is still restricted in some area.

So Jupiter’s comeback to Capricorn and finally forming The Great Conjunction on December 21st 2020 means that expansion will be restricted and travel might be restricted again. But this is good for Coronavirus because Saturn restrict Jupiter’s abilities to expand the virus. If you have to sign a contract or partnership when Jupiter was conjunct with Saturn, you might have to be ready with the fact that your career can’t expand as quick as you want it to be because Saturn is indeed the significator for career, but the expansion was Jupiter’s doing. I notice this in my personal experience too and I can feel how Saturn and Jupiter in my progressed chart restricts my career and income. So prepare for the worst case that’s possible to happen.

Jupiter will have a planetary war with Saturn too that will start around December 6th until January 1st. Jupiter and Saturn’s planetary war could result in clash between the people (especially labour worker) and the scholars. It is also possible that spiritual or religious community will have a clash since Jupiter represent religion and spirituality while Saturn represent community, organization, or the people/masses. Conflict at work or an organization might also surface , especially because of different idealism/ideology between the members of the organization. Jupiter’s entrance to Capricorn also marks Rahu’s aspect to Jupiter, this can make power-hungry leaders of spiritual or religious or even a law community to take advantage of the field and the people they’re leading to achieve their personal goals. So, put your guards up. The Great Conjunction will also determine the theme for the upcoming 19–20 years according to the zodiac sign that Saturn and Jupiter occupies, which is Earth. For the next 19–20 years, economy and earth will be the big theme.

Now let’s talk about the Stellium in Capricorn that will be formed in January 2021 to February 2021. This stellium will involve Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, and Moon. Since Moon is a very fast moving planet, it won’t stay long in Capricorn. What concern me the most was Pluto. Pluto wasn’t really that famous in Vedic Astrology but Pluto was this planet that signify Explosion. Just take a look of what Pluto and Jupiter planetary war does, bomb explosion happen not just once. Pluto, as what Ernest Wilhelm talked about, have this ability to destroy something old so something new could be created. He said Pluto was just like Shiva, while Uranus was Brahma, and Neptune was Vishnu. The stellium will happen with Pluto holding the lowest degree because well, it is the slowest moving planet out of all the planets that were involved in the stellium.

The stellium happen in Capricorn, natural 10th house. 10th house was the house of reputation, responsibility, career, government, authority, etc. So it will definitely trigger something relating to these things. The peak of this stellium will happen in February, when New Moon in Capricorn took place. On the Full Moon of Cancer, Mercury has move forward to Aquarius but on the day of the New Moon, he move back to Capricorn in retrogression.

Full Moon in Cancer 2021 Chart

Other than the fact that Capricorn was the Natural 10th house, it is also an earth sign, which put an emphasis on the earthy realm. Earth sign is identical with economy and mundane world. The ruler of the Earth signs are Venus and her best friends, Mercury and Saturn. Venus or Shukra or Shukracharya is the teacher to the demons, and her best friends Mercury and Saturn rules the other earth signs which then make Mercury become the significator for Business or Trade and Saturn become the significator for Labour. The ultimate house for wealth and income are the 11th and 2nd house, guess who naturally rules these houses? Venus and Saturn.

That stellium will definitely trigger or destroy something relating to the economy since Pluto holds the lowest degree here and it was having a war with Venus at the time of the exact Full Moon. I’ve been researching a lot of things and one of them is the correlation of Venus and stock market and I stumble upon Modern Vedic Astrology’s article that talked about how the stock market weakened when Venus enter Virgo, its debilitation sign. So Venus and Pluto’s war might trigger something relating to the stock market. Other than stock market, Venus is the planet that signify diplomacy too, Pluto might actually destroy something relating to this aspect as well.

Kaal Sarpa Dosh will also be formed from December 11th 2020, when Venus officially enter Scorpio, and the dangerous and karmic time will start from that date. The Kaal Sarpa Dosh will happen until Mars enter Gemini in April 2021.

World War I chart (Left). World War II chart (Right). Software used: Jagannatha Hora

Will it be a war? well, I don’t want that to happen, but I can’t help but say that the First World War happened when Uranus and Jupiter are retrograding in Capricorn. Uranus retrograde in Shravana Nakshatra, while Jupiter retorgrading in Dhanishta Nakshatra. Saturn, Mercury, and Pluto are conjunct together with Saturn holding the lowest degree, placed in Mrigashira Nakshatra (Mars’ Nakshatra), while Pluto was placed in Ardra Nakshatra (Rahu’s Nakshatra). Rahu itself was alone in Satabisha Nakshatra (its own Nakshatra), while Ketu conjunct both Mars and Venus in the Phalgunis Nakshatra (Venus & Sun ruled Nakshatra).

The World War II happened when Uranus was retrograding in Krittika Nakshatra, the nakshatra that indeed could trigger a war, while Saturn Retrograde and Ketu are conjunct in Ashwini Nakshatra. Venus is Combust at the start of World War II and Mars was in direct opposition with Pluto. This reminds me of what Kapiel Raaj said in his 2021 videos. He talked about how diplomats won’t be like a diplomat, like there will be no consensus and conflict or debate will be so harsh in 2021 because of the Venus combust in the 2021 chart. The Venus combust on the chart that Kapiel Raaj generate for 2021 might actually do trigger a war. Afterall, the planetary war of Venus and Pluto will took place in Uttara Ashadha, which is the nakshatra that put an emphasis on leadership and final victory.

The Purva and Uttara Ashadha pair has a lot to do with aggressive actions like declaring a war. The symbol of Uttara Ashadha is an Elephan tusk, which is one of the tools that people use for fighting in ancient time because of its sharpness. Elephant itself was seen as the symbol of the royalty because if we take a look at the movies that describe ancient royalty, we’ll notice that Elephant was used as the King’s ride, especially for grand events. So conflicts that involve violence might actually escalates to a whole new level in 2021.

New Moon in Capricorn Chart, February 11th 2021.

The chart Above was the chart of New Moon in Capricorn. New Moon in Capricorn indeed involve another Planetary War which is between Venus and Jupiter. Jupiter see Venus as an Enemy but Venus see Jupiter as neutral. However, they’re both teachers, Venus is the teacher to the Demons, while Jupiter is the teacher to the Gods. This indicates the New Moon in Capricorn might trigger a clash of ideology. Especially with the fact that the New Moon was in Dhanishta Nakshatra, Mars’ Nakshatra.

The war between Jupiter and Venus happen in Shravana Nakshatra, Moon’s Nakshatra. The symbol of this Nakshatra is an Ear, which indicates one of its quality, which is hearing. Planets having war in here could indicates that there will be no understanding between the conflicted parties. The negative side of Shravana could trigger manipulation, selfishness, and narrow-minded. The knowledge that this Nakshatra inherit could be used of illicit dealings because Shravana is an ambitious Nakshatra too. In the Navamsha, the planetary war of Jupiter and Venus will happen in Ardra Nakshatra, this is concerning since Ardra is a violent Nakshatra with Rudra, the violent form of Shiva, being the ruling deity of Ardra. Ardra’s symbol, teardrop, has a lot to do with sorrow. Ardra has a lot to do with Change too, so something will definitely change when Venus and Jupiter are having a war in this Nakshatra in D9 chart/Navamsha.

While Dhanishta, is one of the Nakshatras that Shiva rules too. The official ruling deity of Dhanista are the Eight God called Vasus, which was translated as The Wealthy, but the presiding deity was Shiva. Dhanista was all about wealth and music, which is why the presiding deity was Shiva because Shiva have a love for Music. The Drum was the symbol of Dhanista and you’ll notice that Shiva indeed have a drum of his own too called Damaru. However, Mars is still the ruler of this Nakshatra and we all know what Mars represent and it was said that Moon doesn’t do well in Dhanista because in personal life, it might trigger a marital problem since conflict will arise because Moon in Dhanista people might look for a partner that have different views and value from them, especially in the Capricorn part of Dhanista. This New Moon might trigger a bickering conflict indeed, especially when it comes to values and ideology.

Other than political problem, I am concerned with the fact that the stellium and planetary war might trigger a disaster relating to earth and water, because it involve Venus. Fire disaster is possible too when Mars is having a war with Uranus. But the upcoming stellium involve a planetary war with Pluto on a Full Moon day. Full Moon is the most dangerous time for Earthquake. One of the disaster will definitely about explosion or something that looks like an explosion, since it was Pluto who got involved. While Venus’ element is water. There will be a lot of Planetary War in January to February 2021, which I will talk about maybe in another post or my twitter. Mars’ war with Uranus in Bharani Nakshatra will definitely trigger another conflict or revolution that might involve violence. We’ll see next year. The good news is, Jupiter will enter Aquarius on April 6th 2021. This will be a relieving moment because travel will be possible to do again. Jupiter in Aquarius might trigger a rise in Agnostic belief though. I’ll talk about Jupiter in Aquarius in a separate post later.

30.11.2020 UPDATE: I stumble upon a very interesting post by Mr. Annil Aggarwala, a Vedic Astrologer. He mention the part where Mr. K.N. Rao mentioned that the effect of the eclipse and planetary war of Jupiter-Saturn will only come after Mars activates the Eclipse or Planetary War degree. So the effect of these all might won’t took place immediately. Mars will square the Planetary War degree on 5th of January 2021. It will also aspect the Solar Eclipse Degree on 18th to 23rd of February 2021 through its 8th Aspect. While for Lunar Eclipse, it will conjunct the Eclipse degree on April 7th 2021.


Modern Vedic Astrology

The Book of Nakshatras by Prash Trivedi

Time and Date

Mr. Annil Aggarwala




I love to write and I do it for fun. Mundane Astrology enthusiast, observer, & researcher.