Rahu-Ketu in Taurus-Scorpio Axis: Massive Transformation and Materialistic Indulgence

15 min readSep 22, 2020


Credits: https://mythologian.net/ouroboros-symbol-of-infinity/

Rahu and Ketu, The Shadow Planets or North and South Nodes of the Moon, will finally move to Taurus (for Rahu) and Scorpio (for Ketu) for a period of 18 months (September 23rd 2020 until April 12th 2022). There are a lot of verse regarding where Rahu and Ketu are exalted in, but most of Vedic Astrologers that I stumble upon said that it was in Taurus (for Rahu) and Scorpio (for Ketu). Exaltation or Exalted state of a planet (or shadow planet in this case) is the term we use in Astrology when a Planet achieve its greatest and highest power. But I personally think that this is a matter of the dignity of the planets and how suitable or well-matched the quality and the elements of the signs they’re transitting into.

The reason behind the opinion that Rahu was exalted in Taurus and Ketu was exalted in Scorpio were because these 2 (two) signs, Taurus and Scorpio, are the perfect place for each of the shadow planets. Rahu represents Materialistic pursuit that we want to achieve in this 3D world, while Ketu represents the opposite from Rahu which is spirituality, disinterest over something, and complete surrender from Materialistic pursuit of life. Other than this fact, Ketu was a catalyst for transformation, especially spiritual transformation that will leave a permanent mark (I feel this personally when Ketu transit over my natal Ketu in the first house. Even my Saturn-Ketu Planetary Periods changed me forever), and the co-ruler of the sign Scorpio. So basically, this shadow planet is transitting over its own co-ruled Zodiac sign Scorpio. It will definitely have a fun time giving spiritual transformation or disinterest to any house where Scorpio is sitting in your birthchart.

While Rahu is a catalyst for transformation too, but it’s a different kind of transformation compared to Ketu. The kind of transformation that Rahu brings was fast and short-lived, which means once this shadow planet move to the other sign, that’s it, it’s over. Rahu always imitates the ruler of the sign it sits in and that’s how he give the transformation for the house through illusion (since Rahu is also the significator of illusion and obsession), it exaggerates things relating to that house and can even cause a mental illness if it transits over your Natal/Birth Moon. Doesn’t mean it will definitely cause mental illness but that’s one of the thing that it can do when it transits over your natal Moon, an early warning for Taurus Moon people.

Scorpio is the 8th sign in the Zodiac belt and this sign represents the quality of the 8th house that you have in your chart. There are a lot of things that the 8th house represents, but mostly it represents transformation, longevity, mysticism, occult science, sex, secrets, sudden ups & down, death, and even astrology. While Taurus, being the 2nd Zodiac sign, it represents your 2nd house, which are family, wealth, feelings, possessions, etc. The 2nd house represents a lot of things but the key theme of this house is MONEY.

Knowing those 2 (two) Zodiac signs behave exactly like Rahu and Ketu, of course no doubt these 2 (two) shadow planets will have a good time during their transit to these 2 (two) Zodiac signs. But the thing is, are we able to cope with Exalted Ketu? No doubt we’ll be happy with Exalted Rahu, but Ketu? Are you ready for Exalted Ketu?

Ketu is a headless shadow planet that can cause someone to lose his/her desire for material gains. Imagine having no head but still breathing, you’ll be going nowhere without direction and trust the divine in guiding you. When Ketu transit over a house and certain planets in your birthchart, I’ll bet you will have transformation regarding that house and planets its transitting over. So the first thing you want to do is to check which house do you have the sign of Scorpio and do you have any planets there or not, because the transformation that Ketu brings is one that you won’t forget or turn back.

While Rahu, oh Rahu will make you obsess with the house or planets that it is transitting over. No joke about this one. Opposite to Ketu, Rahu is a shadow planet without a body, which is why it is identical with materialistic things because you’re so full of your head. Why does head represents materialistic pursuit? because you have brain over there that can cause illusion, ego, and logic. Why are you still working all day long if it’s not because of gaining money for surviving the 3D world? or indulge in shopping every time it’s the payday time? Who creates those if not brain? Why do you think Sun is exalted in Aries and Aries represent the head?

The simple logic to understand Rahu-Ketu is to understand the simple theory of Karma, what you give is what you got and what you take is what you’ll be accountable for.” If you go with Rahu, Ketu will takes what you got from Rahu to teach you that 3D world is temporary, and If you go with Ketu, Rahu will tempt you with its charm to make you realize to survive in 3D world you need Rahu. Complicated right? They’re like the magnetic axis of the earth, one is positive and one is negative, or a Yin-Yang, or the ex that you hate but still want them back (I advice you to go to Ketu for this one tho). Even though Rahu seems so materialistic and Ketu seems so isolated, we need them both to get through life, but we have to keep the balance between these 2 (two). One thing for sure, you’ll be focused on the house where Rahu is transitting over and will have disinterest in the house where Ketu is transitting over.

So what exactly will happen once Rahu-Ketu enter Taurus-Scorpio Axis?

I’m going to talk about Ketu first, because Ketu will cause a lot of transformation all over the world. Scorpio is the sign that’s identical with secrets. Do you want to know why the United States’ government is so secretive with their business and intentions? That’s because they are a Scorpio Rising with heavy 8th house placements. This is the easiest way to understand Scorpio. So once it actually transits over Scorpio, you will see a lot of secrets, especially the government or powerful people’s secrets, being revealed because Ketu transform the house it sits in and cut the things that didn’t serve the highest good. It will force you to change if you’re doing something that didn’t serve the highest good or even simply didn’t value yourself or Higher Power a.k.a God. Other than that, it might make you become disinterested in things relate to Scorpio such as Sex, Secrecy, and even Devotion/Commitment. This depends on where Scorpio is sitting in your birthchart and whether you have planets there or not. Ketu can make you dwell into otherworldly thing such as Occult, Tantra, Magic, Astrology, etc. It can also make you remember or get involved in something related to your past-life Karma (since Ketu signify our Past-Life). But the downside of Ketu was the fact that it can cause you sorrow, loss, and false hope regarding the house it sits in too, which is why it’s important to know this beforehand it took place.

When Ketu first transit into Scorpio, it will enter Jyeshta Nakshatra or Lunar Mansion. Jyeshta is one of the 3 (three) Nakshatra that form the Zodiac sign of Scorpio, it is ruled by the fast-moving planet Mercury. Jyeshta means The Eldest, just by the name we know that this Nakshatra is about wisdom and leadership. Being inside the zodiac sign of Scorpio, it is affected by Mars’ strongwilled and assertive energy, but on the negative side, they’re also prone to anger and arguments because Mars is the significator for Anger and Mercury is the significator of communication. The symbol of this Nakshatra is a round talisman and an Umbrella, both indicates protection. The Ruling Deity of this Nakshatra is Lord Indra, He is The King of Gods in the Vedic Mythology. He is like Zeus in the Greek Mythology. Jyeshta is identical with authority, government, and political leaders because that’s what Lord Indra represent. He is the King, a leader, which was represented by Government Leaders in this modern world. When Ketu enter this Nakshatra, it will transform the Government or Political Leaders. While on a personal level, Ketu might transform our wisdom and leadership.

The next Nakshatra that it will visit is Anuradha Nakshatra, The Star of Success. This Nakshatra is ruled by the cold, calm, and collective Saturn. This Nakshatra screams heavy devotion because this Nakshatra has the power of worship and Saturn is the planet that rules over devotion and commitment towards something, especially towards service to people. Anuradha means Another Radha or After Radha. There are 3 (three) symbols of this Nakshatra, The Staff, A Lotus, and A Triumphant Gateway/Archway. The Staff signify power and protection; while the Lotus signify purity; and the Triumphant Gateway/Archway represent victory and success. The Ruling Deity of this Nakshatra is Mitra, The Sun Gods who rules over Friendship. So when Ketu transits over this Nakshatra, it might take away friends who don’t serve the highest good for you, but at the same time, you can meet your past-life friends. It might also tempt someone to be attracted towards marriage man/woman AND it will reveal unfaithful behavior that someone does in their marriage/relationship.

The last Nakshatra that Ketu will transit in Scorpio is Vishaka. Ketu will transit in Vishakha until the Libra part of Vishakha. Vishakha means forked or two-branched or poison vessel. The main symbol of this Nakshatra is an archway or decorated gateway, which signifies victory and marriage. Vishakha was also known as The Star of Purpose because of the gateway symbol that indicates that this Nakshatra always have their eyes fixed on the outcome or the final line. The planet that rules this Nakshatra is Jupiter, the Guru. The Ruling Deity of this Nakshatra is Lord Indra, The King of Gods, and Lord Agni, The God of Fire. Both of these Deities signify burning passion and ambition that the Nakshatra have. Vishakha is the Nakshatra that’s hard to be changed once they have set their goals, or we can say this is a fixed Nakshatra. So when Ketu transit this Nakshatra, the life goals or purpose of someone might be transformed. The Scorpio part of Vishakha is the most transformative and volatile, which can cause burning ambition to achieve that goals as fast as possible. We might even see some people will do everything to achieve their goals, even something that’s against the norm and law.

The key to get through the transitting Ketu were to surrender and don’t control things that you can’t control regarding the house or planets that Ketu transits into or aspecting (Ketu has 5th and 9th aspect from itself, so it will aspect Pisces and Cancer). Scorpio is a fixed sign, so it might be hard for you to cope with the change that will befall you. That’s why it’s best to tell yourself now that “you can’t control the outside world or other people, but you can always control how you react to it.” Especially for people who have planets in Scorpio or 1st house Scorpio.

When it comes to Rahu, it will help you to get opportunities regarding the house that it is transitting into. But the thing is, Rahu will also give you illusion regarding the house that it is transitting and aspecting to. When it comes to Taurus, Rahu will transform itself to be Venus here. So it will definitely make you have this love towards the house it is transitting into and aspecting. Let’s say you are a Taurus ascendant and Rahu is transitting your first house, you will be all about yourself and feel like you’re the center of people’s attention. It’s a ME ME ME ME attitude. But Venus here make people flocks to you because you have this diplomatic aura around you, people wants to be with you. But if it happens in the 2nd house, you might want to achieve wealth in a fast way and Rahu might give you that, but be careful, it can be taken away from you as fast as it comes. It can even make you feel that you need more and more money even though you have enough money already. 2nd house is the house of values too so you might even expand your family values or drop them and change them.

Taurus is the sign that’s all about art, beauty, stock markets, material wealth, family, values, banks, expensive things, jewelry, loyalty (because it’s a fixed sign), and stability. Being a fixed and earth element sign, Rahu’s transit into Taurus will definitely make people work hard to achieve material wealth. This is actually a good transit because after the Recession that happens all over the world, this is the remedy to it. Rahu in Taurus will actually helps to restore the economy. People might flock over to Stock Markets to get fast money. Jewelry and Expensive things will also be the theme when Rahu transits Taurus, especially when it is in Rohini Nakshatra. But, Rahu will also creates illusion and drive people to indulge into drugs, alcohol, and sex, especially if this happens in your 8th house. This is the negative effects of Rahu’s transit. However, business relating to food, beauty, jewelry, clothings, art, and expensive things might be enhanced and transformed once Rahu enter Taurus.

The first Nakshatra that Rahu will visit once it enter Taurus’ degree is Mrigashira Nakshatra. This Nakshatra falls in both Taurus and Gemini, so technically, Rahu is already here. Mrigashira Nakshatra was ruled by fiery Mars. Mrigashira means Deer’s Head, but its other name Saumya translated as The Benevolent. It has a symbol of the Deer’s Head because it has the quality of a deer. Deer is also a magical creatures in some mythology, Vedic included. Mrigashira was known as The Star of Searching because we know deer loves to wander to search for food but in this case, the Deer represent constant searching and seeking quality of themselves. However, Mrigashira is actually a nakshatra that indicates marital problem that comes from illusion, misunderstanding, and baseless suspicion. The ruling deity of this Nakshtra is Soma, the Moon God, which is why Moon also have a connection to this Nakshatra. Goddess Parvati is also said to be the Ruling Deity of this Nakshatra. So When Rahu transits the Taurus part of Mrigashira, people might be having suspicious tendency towards their partner because Rahu enhance that illusion that Mrigashira originally have. Other than that, people might be looking for their own identity and have an identity crisis, especially if this took place in the first house. Searching will be the theme when Rahu transit Mrigashira.

The second Nakshatra that Rahu will transit is Rohini. Rohini was translated as The Reddish One or The Growing One. The color Red was a symbolism for passion, just like how the red planet Mars is the significator for passion. The symbol for this Nakshatra is an Ox-Chart pulled by two Oxen. The symbol signifies that this Nakshatra supposed to be the carrier of all fruits of creation. Rohini was also known as The Star of Ascent because of its symbol. The ruler of this Nakshatra is Moon and the Ruling Deity is Brahma, The Creator of the Universe. This nakshatra is a very charming and tempting Nakshatra, especially when it comes to Beauty. In the mythology, Brahma creates a daughter named Rohini and actually fell in love with her, while Moon don’t want to leave Rohini when he was transitting over the Nakshatra. These proves Rohini’s charming and magnetism aura to lure people into them. In the continuation of this myth, Shiva actually step in and stop Brahma from creating cosmic incest. This is the part of Taurus that Rahu will love the most. When Rahu transit over this Nakshatra, it will make people obsessed with beauty, drugs, sex, and other feminine things. It will also enhance people’s love for food because Venus is the significator for eating and culinary (not the cooking).

The last Nakshatra that it will transitting to is Krittika Nakshatra. Krittika means The One Who Cuts or The Cutters. The symbol of this Nakshatra correlates with its name, which is a knife or blade or a sharp object. The sharp object can be used by both positive and negative aspect. In medical field, a knife was used for surgery purpose while at war, it was used to hurt others out of anger. This is pretty much how we can understand this Naskhatra in a simple way. It was also said that Krittika was revered to the Seven Krittika or Seven Wives that look after the galaxy. The Ruling Planet of this Nakshatra is Sun, while the main Ruling Deity of Krittika is Kartikeyya, The Commander of the Celestial Godly Forces, and the secondary Deity is Agni, The God of Fire. In Vedic Mythology, Kartikeyya was created by Lord Shiva to destroy the demons, but he was hidden away first before he is ready and he was hidden with the Seven Wives or Seven Krittikas who then later became his foster mother. This is one of the reason why Moon was exalted in Krittika Nakshatra because it is related to caring and nurturing. Krittika is a passionate Nakshatra that is capable of creating war or conflicts. It is also a perfectionist Nakshatra which when Rahu transits over this Nakshatra, we will have the tendency to be a perfectionist in the area that it was transitting into and it aspected. Rahu transits over Krittika can also trigger war and conflicts out of anger. But on the positive side, there might be breakthrough in the medical field or military sector. Rahu in Krittika can also make us undergo an extreme purification and gaining intense awareness about our life.

The key to get through the transitting Rahu were to remember that Rahu can exaggerates things and creates illusion, therefore we shouldn’t jump into conclusion as fast as the lightning. It will definitely affect the house or planets that Rahu transits into or aspecting (Rahu has 5th and 9th aspect from itself, so it will aspect Virgo and Capricorn).

On the Mundane Level, this is a great period for Economic restoration. However, Ketu might bring massive transformation to countries whose lagna is Scorpio. It will also transform the governmental bodies or government leader when it transits into Jyeshta Nakshatra. While Rahu can make war and conflicts prone to happen when it transits into Krittika. Rahu will aspect Saturn from Taurus until Rahu moves to Aries, this can creates unsettling energy that make people wants to break from the government or authority’s chain or limitation. It can also indicates some people might seek power through putting illusion into the masses or in this case, a country’s citizen, like a populism movement, because Rahu represent a King or a Leader who’s thirsty for power. So we should be careful of this kind of illusion in this period.

Political Activisim might also be a trend in this period, especially when Ketu aspects Mars Retrograde in Pisces and Saturn also aspects Mars Retrograde. When this took place, Sun will be in direct opposition with with Mars Retrograde. Mars Retrograde will also aspects Mercury in this period. Another big activism movement might take place, especially in the Scorpio Lagna countries. Rahu is also said to be an indicator of earthquake and being in Earth sign Taurus, it might enhance the possibility of big Earthquake to happen.

Music, Arts, Fashion, Jewelry, Food Culinary, and Cosmetics might be enhanced in this period, especially when Rahu is in Rohini. A memorable hit song or singer might also surface in this period. In 2002 when Rahu also in Rohini, Kelly Clarkson won the American Idol. So let’s see who’s next~

For Indonesia, Ketu will transit into its 2nd house and Rahu will transit into 8th house. This transit marks the end of Indonesia’s Rahu-Ketu return because Indonesia has its natal Rahu in Gemini and natal Ketu in Sagittarius. Ketu will transit over Indonesia’s Moon, this can transform the Government’s image in the people’s eyes since Moon is the 10th house lord of Indonesia. It can also make Indonesia have a disinterest looking through the matter of 2nd house or it actually wants to transform its 2nd house by going to the 8th house which is other people’s money. Rahu will transit Indonesia’s 8th house and over its Natal Mars and Uranus. Big transformation might take place in this country’s relation to other people and wealth. Indonesia might even pull out a big moves to search over people’s wealth to accumulate more money for the government. Venus is the significator for bribery and Venus is the ruler of Taurus, so the government might even make a surprising move of revealing corruption and bribery (or actually doing one). Since 8th house is the house of secrecy, sex, drugs, tax, insurance, death, disaster, etc, it might be the focus of the government now. The government might pull out a show to take care of drugs, free sex, and tax fraud with force. Why force? because Rahu is transitting over its Natal Mars. 8th house is also the house of Activism so it might also possible for the government to cast their focus on Social Justice Warrior or SJW. I personally didn’t notice anything big happen when Ketu or Rahu transits over my natal Uranus but Uranus has this big massive energy that triggers big thing to happen, so don’t be surprised if the government make a 180 degrees policy than what the public think they’ll pull out. Indonesian people might also be intersted in occult, tantra, magic, and astrology too in this period.

Bahasa Indonesia


The Book of Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi





I love to write and I do it for fun. Mundane Astrology enthusiast, observer, & researcher.